“Chutney” was the middle name of the cat my family had when I was growing up. (His first name was Mango.) I can’t take credit for naming him, but I can tell you that my love for Indian chutneys started early. My favorites are the mint and tamarind chutneys – I ALWAYS load up on these whenever I eat at an Indian restaurant. I love how the coolness and freshness of the mint compliments the spicy richness of most Indian dishes. Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to justify buying a jar because every single one I’ve seen has artificial coloring in it – kinda gross. Luckily, homemade mint chutney is super easy and very customizable! I really like the ratio of cilantro to mint I’ve specified in the recipe, but if you like it more or less minty (or more or less limey), feel free to play around with it!